Bio identical Hormone therapy Lexington, NC - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. They are often used to help relieve symptoms of hormone imbalance that can occur with aging or other medical conditions. Bioidentical hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and others.

In a hormone clinic in Lexington like Equilibrium Hormone Institute, bioidentical hormone therapy can effectively treat symptoms of conditions like menopause and andropause. The approach seeks to restore hormone levels to patterns seen in healthy individuals. This is done through:

When administered properly and safely under medical supervision, bioidentical hormone therapy provides an important therapeutic option for the people of Lexington.

Why Consider Bioidentical Hormones?

Many people experience unpleasant symptoms caused by declining or unbalanced hormone levels as they age. This is especially true around milestones like menopause and andropause, but can happen at any point across adulthood.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women often include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, trouble sleeping, weight gain, or sexual dysfunction. Men may experience fatigue, depression, anxiety, low libido, erectile dysfunction, or stubborn weight gain. Declines in anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone also contribute to loss of muscle mass and bone density in aging individuals.

These changes can have a serious impact on one's quality of life. The good news is hormone therapy may help! Bioidentical hormones are natural, safe, and often more tolerated than traditional hormone replacement approaches.

Benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy can include:

In other words - bioidentical hormones help patients look better, feel better, work better, play better, think better, and enjoy intimacy better!

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When to Consider Treatment

If you have tried addressing bothersome symptoms through lifestyle changes like better diet, more activity, and stress reduction but the issues persist, that is usually a sign it is time to have your hormone levels evaluated professionally.

Do not brush off symptoms assuming they are just a “normal” part of aging. Relief may be possible! Advanced hormone testing can uncover deficiencies that supplementation may help correct.

Our Lexington hormone and wellness clinic helps patients address symptoms proactively so they can thrive as they age rather than feel held back. We want to see you living life to the fullest!

Experience the benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy!

Key Info on the Main Hormones

There are over 50 hormones humans produce. Here we will overview several of the most essential related to common symptoms and areas of concern:


Estrogen typically declines around perimenopause and menopause as ovarian function winds down. It acts in both reproductive and non-reproductive tissues. Low estrogen underlies hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, urinary urgency, painful sex, and more. Declining estrogen is also tied to accelerated aging, heart disease, osteoporosis, and cognitive issues since estrogen has protective cardio and neuro effects when balanced properly with progesterone.

Estrogens like estradiol, estrone, and estriol can be replaced through bioidentical hormones to relieve menopausal symptoms and promote graceful aging. Estrogen therapy carries some cautions like cancer risk with oral use, but transdermal estrogen creams used at proper physiologic doses based on testing are extremely safe, without these concerns.


Working synergistically with estrogen to regulate the menstrual cycle and gestation during the reproductive years, progesterone levels also plummet at menopause. Imbalances between low progesterone relative to estrogen can be disastrous for long-term health. Replacing progesterone protects against multiple cancers, promotes restful sleep, enhances mood stability, and aids weight loss. Our clinic offers both oral progesterone capsules and transdermal progesterone creams.


Testosterone regulates libido, energy, strength, body composition, mood, memory, and motivation in both men and women. Male testosterone production ramps up during adolescence but then slowly declines approximately 1% per year after age 30. Low testosterone in men over 40 or 50 produces symptoms like erectile dysfunction, fatigue, depression, “brain fog,” weight gain, reduced muscle mass and strength (sarcopenia), irritability, and loss of drive/charisma.

Women with low testosterone struggle with similar issues - low libido, fatigue, weight gain, thinning and dry skin, smaller breasts, “invisible women’s syndrome,” depression, insomnia, poor concentration, anxiety, irritability, bladder control problems, and loss of strength. Testosterone therapy effectively reverses this array of undesirable signs and symptoms to restore one’s zest for life.

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute we offer testosterone therapy for both men (TRT) and women to optimize this crucial hormone, carefully tailoring doses based on symptoms and lab testing. Options include testosterone creams, testosterone injections, testosterone pellets, and more.

Testosterone therapy requires discipline and commitment for ideal results. Patients must adopt lifestyle habits to accelerate improvements and minimize risks - smart diet and exercise choices, stress management, smoking/vaping cessation, limiting alcohol, frequent lab testing, etc. Our clinical team provides thorough patient education and close follow up.


DHEA is made in the adrenal glands and serves as a metabolic precursor the body can convert into other sex hormones as needed. DHEA peaks in one’s 20s-30s then declines. Supplementing low levels, especially combined with testosterone/estrogen therapy, enhances mental clarity, bone density, muscle building, fat loss, and libido. We offer high quality DHEA supplements.


Pregnenolone is like a “grandmother hormone” produced in the brain, adrenals, and gonads that functions as a precursor for downstream sex hormones. Declining pregnenolone underlies age-related cognitive dysfunction and mood disorders. It also weakens immunity. We test levels and can prescribe pregnenolone supplements to halt or reverse neuro-hormonal aging processes.

Thyroid Hormone

The thyroid produces triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate metabolism, temperature regulation, digestion, cardiac function, growth, fertility, brain development, and much more. Low thyroid slows everything down, causing stubborn weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, depression, menstrual irregularities, high cholesterol, and worse. We always check thyroid hormone levels and customize treatment based on the specifics uncovered. Bioidentical thyroid hormone like T3/T4 can rectify low thyroid states when used properly under a physician’s guidance based on lab testing.

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalances

Attempting to treat hormone deficiencies without testing makes little sense. A detailed hormone panel is always the crucial first step. At Equilibrium Hormone Institute we then take time analyzing results with patients to educate them on what we find - which levels are out of range and likely attributing to bothersome signs/symptoms so they understand the “why” behind our therapy recommendations.

We also monitor progress with consistent lab work to ensure dosing remains ideal over time for the individual. People’s needs change across the lifespan. What worked initially may require adjustment later.

Testing analyzes levels of:

Testing also looks at key indicators of cardiovascular, kidney, liver, prostate, and metabolic function to ensure safety on an ongoing basis. We aim for optimal bienness, not just “good enough.”

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so their relative risks and benefits are still unclear.

TRT and Bioidentical HRT Treatment Options

Once the proper hormones to target and dose ranges get identified through testing, we hone in on the ideal delivery methods for the individual:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

Options for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) include:

We train men how to properly use their testosterone so it gets fully absorbed. Follow-ups analyze blood levels to confirm efficacy. TRT requires discipline for ideal benefits. We provide thorough guidance and monitoring.

Bioidentical HRT for Women

Hormone replacement therapy options for women include:

HRT therapy for women comes with extra attention on cancer screening and monitoring thickness of the uterine lining when estrogens get used. We minimize risks and maximize benefits.

Thyroid, DHEA, pregnenolone and other hormones also get replaced as needed in men and women.

Our providers spend extensive time explaining options to identify what will work best for your unique needs. We recognize no two patients are alike biologically. Total customization and precision is key - always based on science and data.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Lifestyle and Wellness Recommendations

Hormone optimization lifestyle tips:

Cultivating healthy lifestyle habits maximizes both lifespan and “healthspan.” Our clinic offers guidance to help patients make incremental upgrades. We also provide referrals to other practitioners like nutritionists, personal trainers, and mental health therapists.

Neighborhood gems for lifestyle enjoyment:

Why Choose Equilibrium Hormone Institute for Your Care?

You have options working with various health centers or anti-aging practices for hormone optimization. So why choose us? Here is what sets Equilibrium Hormone Institute apart:

We aim to be your partner in prevention and proactive health. Our goal is not to just help you feel normal again, but enhance quality of life significantly compared to where you are presently at so you thrive during this exciting chapter of life. We honor the opportunity to work together towards accomplishments in your family life, career, sports and passions that may have seemed increasingly out of reach.

Empower Your Aging Process

Aging with vitality depends enormously on properly addressing declining hormones. Do not accept fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive, emotional lability, or mental cloudiness as “normal.”

Through expert hormone testing and optimization these troublesome concerns that undermine quality of life often resolve. Our clinical team stands ready to create a tailored treatment plan based on your unique biology, lifestyle considerations, and personal objectives.

We sincerely appreciate the chance to demonstrate our commitment to your health. Please reach out with any questions and we look forward to guiding your care.

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